Behind The Dream of Crepes Tea House
Lately many of our customers have been asking us questions about how the idea of Crepes Tea House came to be. We decided to ask one of the co-founders some of the most commonly asked questions! Scroll down below to read what he said.
Q: How did you get the idea for Crepes Tea House, including the types of food and the tea?
A: When I got this idea, no one in the area had a creperie. Crepes have always been popular in other countries and tea and crepes go hand in hand. I wanted to be the first place to have over 100 teas that the customers can choose from. I also grew up eating and loving all of these foods and I really wanted to share it with others.
Q: How long did the process of opening the restaurant take?
A: It took about 10 months of planning and working hard every single day. The hardest part isn’t to open a restaurant but to keep it open. I basically lived here for the first couple years.
Q: What is the date of your first official opening day?
A: February 19, 2010. This is actually also the birthday of one of our very first cooks. She has been with us since the very beginning and still works here to this day!
Q: What motivates you to keep the place running when times get tough?
A: The Greater Springfield area has always been extremely kind to us and has supported us since day one. We appreciate our customers and work hard not to disappoint them. The employees here are also amazing and give their full effort every shift.
Q: Looking back would you have done anything differently?
A: At the end of the day there will always be someone who’s better and someone who’s worse. It is what it is and I am so happy with how everything has turned out.
Q: What advice would you give other people who want to open a restaurant?
A: Don’t. Statistically speaking around 80% of restaurants close before their fifth anniversary. It is not as easy as everyone thinks it is. Unless you fully believe in your food and your company and are willing to spend every single day working towards it, I would not suggest it. I do not regret my decision of opening up a restaurant in any way, but it was not an easy process.